4S Planners

The cost of Education in India has risen dramatically over the past decade.

The cost of Education in India has risen dramatically over the past decade.

Anand’s Son Yuva’s dream of becoming a Doctor is taking shape now. Yuva has got a seat in a prestigious private medical college. 
Anand is very happy and proud of his son. 

Only when the talks about admission and fees, is Anand brought down to Reality. 

His thoughts quickly moved to the Education loan and the repayment. How much should he repay and will that affect his retirement kitty? Will Yuva have to take the partial burden of his Graduation and Post Graduation as well?

He had been saving for his Kid’s education for the past 5 years. What more could he have done? Anand has been wondering what has gone wrong in his planning for his son’s education and his own retirement?

What Anand had not foreseen is that Inflation had a major role in causing a dent in his plans. He didn’t realize that his savings in FDs were not growing as much as the Inflation. Inflation in Education in India is almost 10 – 12%.
On the other hand, FD rates have been steadily decreasing.

What could Anand have done differently?
1. He could have started early, as soon as his kid started schooling, so time would have been on his side.
2. Instead of just saving, he could have invested in an avenue that beats inflation.

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