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Do Fad diets work?

Do Fad diets work?

Will exercising one day get you those six packs? Can Rome be built in a day?
While we all know the answers to these questions, why do we fall for quick fixes and false promises when it comes to investments?

Be it Diet, Exercise or Investment, they all work similarly. Here are a few steps to achieve success:

Fixing a goal: reduce a few stones of weight or save a few thousands in a period of time.

Planning before kick off: planning what to eat, which form of exercise to take up, how to save or where to reduce expenses.

Being disciplined: break up the goal into daily/monthly tasks, like eating the right food and exercising or saving regularly. Consistent efforts pay.

Gaining right knowledge: this gives the clarity and confidence to stay on course at the face of challenges.

Giving it time: anything worthwhile takes time to build. Success is sculpt and not bought.

Take an expert advice: Uniqueness of an individual reflects in the person’s diet and life style. One size doesn’t fit all. Diets and investments should be tailor made to suit one’s needs.